Ebusco is a company incorporated in the Netherlands and is publicly listed on Euronext Amsterdam since 22/10/2021, where its shares are traded under the symbol EBUS. The ISIN code is NL0015000CZ2.
Please visit page of the Ebusco share on website of Euronext for full details.
The Company anticipates that for the foreseeable future it will retain all its future earnings for use in the development of its business, its international expansion and growth strategy and for general corporate purposes.
The Ebusco Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (“AGM”) is held once a year. Extraordinary General Meetings of Shareholders (“EGM”) shall be held as often as the Management Board or the Supervisory Board deems desirable. Notice of general meetings shall be given no later than 42 calendar days before the day of the meeting through publication of a notice on the website of Ebusco.
Under the requirements for disclosing control and participation interests, any holdings in a company’s issued share capital of 3% or more must be reported to the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM). As far as Ebusco is aware and on the basis of the AFM’s Disclosure of Major Holdings in Listed Companies register, the following investors hold a holding of 3% or more in Ebusco.
* The percentages below are, to the best of Ebusco’s knowledge and based on the AFM register Notification of Control, the sum of shares and potential shares. ** The shares are held by Peter Bijvelds Holding Erp B.V., which shares are held by Stichting Administratiekantoor Peter Bijvelds Holding Erp, for the benefit and account of P.H. A.M. Bijvelds *** The shares are held by B.V. Beleggingsfonds “Hoogh Blarick”, which shares are held by Beleggingsmaatschappij “De Engh “BV, for the benefit and account of B.V. Beleggingsfonds “Hoogh Blarick”. **** The shares and potential shares are held by Heights Capital Management, Inc., which shares are held by CVI Investments, Inc., for the benefit and account of Heights Capital Management, Inc..
Note: The ESG ratings presented are provided for information purposes only and are solely based on the opinions of the organizations issuing such ratings. Ebusco does not imply its endorsement of, or concurrence with, these ratings. Prospective investors themselves must determine the need and relevance of the ESG ratings information, in making certain investment decisions, as they do not constitute direct recommendations to buy or sell. They simply present an objective evaluation of Ebusco’s ESG management and performance.